On Monday, Asaduddin Owaisi, the President of AIMIM and MP of Hyderabad, unveiled the Telangana Urdu Working Journalists’ Federation (TUWJF) Diary-2023. During the event, he pledged to address the issues faced by Urdu journalists, including providing double-bedroom housing initiatives. The TUWJF State President and other representatives submitted a memorandum to Owaisi, which called for various demands such as the restoration of the Mandal Level Accreditation Card Facility for Urdu journalists and the allocation of housing sites to Urdu working journalists within GHMC limits. In response, Owaisi acknowledged their concerns and promised to bring these matters to the government’s attention for a speedy resolution. He recognised the importance of Urdu media as the second official language of Telangana State and highlighted its significance in delivering government programmes and schemes to the Urdu-speaking population. Additionally, Owaisi commented on GO 239, which creates a disparity between journalists based on language and noted that all governments had treated Urdu journalists equally with their Telugu counterparts in various schemes until June 2016.