Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal spoke at the Assembly on Monday, accusing the Centre of targeting him and his government. He claims this is because they have provided several welfare schemes to the people of the capital, such as free electricity and good health facilities. Kejriwal also questioned the education qualification of the Prime Minister without naming him. The session passed a resolution attacking the Prime Minister and the BJP. The Delhi Assembly consists of 70 members, with 62 AAP MLAs and eight from the BJP.
The resolution passed by the Assembly referenced a quote by French poet Victor Hugo, stating that “No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come”. The resolution also stated that “Prime Minister Narendra Modi with all his might and agencies will never be able to stop this idea.” Kejriwal raised issues such as inflation, rising fuel prices, unemployment, and corruption faced by the country. He asked the people to check whether their ruler was properly educated if such problems plagued the country.
Earlier, Delhi Lt Governor V K Saxena had flagged “procedural lapses” in calling for the Assembly session in a note to the Chief Minister and suggested against doing so. During his speech, Kejriwal alleged that demonetisation was implemented to end corruption and terrorism but instead “destroyed” the country.