The Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, questioned whether the government was planning to use an ordinance to overturn a recent Supreme Court ruling. Kejriwal asked on Twitter why the Lieutenant Governor (LG) had not obeyed the court’s order, and whether the government was conspiring to reverse it. The LG had sent a letter to Kejriwal claiming that the government was being unconstitutional and disregarding rules and procedures. The Delhi cabinet ministers met with the LG regarding the issue of transferring the services secretary, which the government alleges the LG has yet to approve. The former services secretary has accused a minister of having personal vengeance against him, which the minister denies.
Kejriwal’s tweet raised concerns about a possible ordinance that could overturn a recent Supreme Court ruling that gave the elected Delhi government executive powers in services matters. Kejriwal questioned why the LG had not signed a file relating to the services secretary for two days, and suggested that an ordinance may be in the works. The LG wrote to Kejriwal accusing the government of being unconstitutional and disregarding rules and procedures.
The Delhi cabinet ministers met with the LG to discuss the transfer of the services secretary, which the government alleges has not been approved by the LG. The former services secretary has accused a minister of having personal vengeance against him, which the minister denies.