In Pakistan, there has been an increase in cases of necrophilia, which is when people have sex with dead bodies. Some parents have started putting padlocks on their daughters’ graves to stop this from happening. The country has created a society where people are sexually frustrated, and this is leading to these depraved acts.
According to a report from Pakistan’s Daily Times, women’s bodies have been desecrated on multiple occasions. People are now locking graves to protect the sanctity of the dead bodies. This is a shameful situation for society.
The reason behind these acts is the hard-line Islamist ideology in Pakistan, according to ex-Muslim atheist activist Harris Sultan. The connection between rape and an individual’s clothing only leads to grief and despair, said Twitter user Sajid Yousaf Shah.
In 2021, a girl was raped after her body was dug up in the Maulvi Ashraf Chandio village near Ghulamullah. In 2011, a grave keeper named Muhammad Rizwan from Karachi was arrested after he confessed to raping 48 female corpses.
More than 40% of Pakistani women have experienced some form of violence at least once in their lifetime, according to the National Commission for Human Rights. Recently, an 18-year-old’s scorched body suspected of being killed with an axe was found near Indus Highway.