The Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) chief, N Sanjay, has warned that the CID will take strict action against people who post inappropriate content on social media. Sanjay addressed the issue at a press conference, stating that it has become common for certain individuals to post obscene content about Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, his family, ruling and opposition party leaders, judges, celebrities, high-ranking officials, and others in society.
Sanjay mentioned that these incidents have increased in light of the upcoming elections in the state. To combat this problem, the CID has formed special teams and a monitoring cell. They aim to increase discipline, policing, and legal responsibility in the realm of social media. Sanjay emphasized the importance of technology in identifying and controlling those responsible for posting obscene and insulting content. Furthermore, conferences will be held in Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam to develop a plan for investigating individual cases with the help of the public and industry experts.
The CID has also created teams to monitor the accounts of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) operating from the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Sanjay mentioned that cases have been filed against individuals who posted obscene content about judges of the Andhra Pradesh High Court. He provided statistics on the CID’s actions, stating that they deleted 1,450 social media posts in 2022 and 2,164 in 2023. Additionally, they monitored 1,465 social media accounts, identified 202 abusive accounts, and flagged 31 objectionable accounts. The CID also opened 2,972 cyberbullying cases and issued 45 MLAT (Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) and five LOC (Letters of Cooperation) proceedings.