Bhubaneswar: MP Aparajita Sarangi, a leader of the BJP, has called on Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to follow ‘Rajdharma’ and stop behaving like ‘Dhritarashtra’. She claimed that some members of Mission Shakti threw stones, eggs, and waved black flags during her visit to the Athantra area in the Bhubaneswar Parliamentary segment on Sunday. Sarangi also mentioned that whenever she visits her constituency to meet with people and listen to their concerns, there are always some individuals protesting. This has been happening continuously for the past three days, she added.
In response to Sarangi’s accusations, BJD spokesperson Shreemayee Mishra expressed surprise and stated, ”It is surprising that whenever any voter asks her a question, she gets irritated. She even refers to it as hooliganism. If you are labeling your voters as hooligans, it means hooligans have voted you into power.”