Indian Railways is introducing a new Vande Bharat Express train between Secunderabad and Visakhapatnam, as well as the fourth Vande Bharat Express from Telangana. These trains will start running commercially from March 13, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually flagging off the inaugural service from Secunderabad station.
The current Vande Bharat Train connecting the two Telugu States has been running at full capacity, prompting the introduction of an additional Vande Bharat Express along the same route with the same stops. Booking for this new service will open on March 12, and regular service will begin on March 13.
The train number 20707 from Secunderabad to Visakhapatnam will depart at 5:05 am and arrive at 1:50 pm. The return train, number 20708 from Visakhapatnam to Secunderabad, will depart at 2:35 pm and arrive at 11:20 pm. This train will run six days a week, excluding Thursdays.