Another cheetah has died at Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, making it the sixth adult cheetah to die since March, according to the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department. The cheetah, named Dhatri (Tiblisi), was found dead and a post-mortem is being conducted to determine the cause of death.
There are currently 14 cheetahs in Kuno National Park, with one female cheetah being monitored outside of the enclosures. Efforts are being made to bring her back for a health examination.
Former Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh criticized the Modi government for the cheetah’s death, stating that this is what happens when science and transparency are ignored. He argued against the notion that these deaths are expected, citing international cheetah experts who have debunked this claim.
Ramesh expressed his concerns on Twitter, stating that something has gone wrong at Kuno National Park and that the ninth cheetah death occurred that morning. The cheetahs in Kuno National Park are regularly monitored by a team of wildlife veterinarians and an expert from Namibia.