Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and his wife Bharathi celebrated Sankranti at the Gaushala near his camp office in Tadepalli. The Chief Minister wore traditional attire and walked through a set that resembled Tirumala a hundred years ago. The festival showcased Telugu village culture, development activities initiated by Jagan Mohan Reddy, and featured priests welcoming the couple with traditional rituals. The Chief Minister also presented robes to the cattle, lit the Bhogi fire, and performed special pooja for the cows. The festival was organized by Government whip Chevireddy Bhaskara Reddy and attended by Deputy Chief Minister Kottu Satyanarayana, Narayana Swamy, Minister Adimulapu Suresh, YSRCP regional coordinator YV Subba Reddy, MP Nandigam Suresh, several MLAs, MLCs, and officials.