D.Ronald Rose, the Commissioner of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), has been granted a 13-day leave from 10.06.2024 to 22.06.2024. He will also be taking advantage of public holidays on 08.06.2024, 09.06.2024, and 23.06.2024 to travel to Europe for personal reasons.
During his absence, Smt. Amrapali Kata, the Joint Metropolitan Commissioner of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA), will be acting as the Commissioner of GHMC from 08.06.2024 to 23.06.2024. Smt. Kata will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of GHMC and ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
In order to view the official document regarding Smt. Amrapali Kata’s appointment as Acting Commissioner of GHMC, you can click on the following link: [Click Here](https://www.thehansindia.com/pdf_upload/go812-amrapali-kata-fac-commr-ghmc-1-1452847.pdf)