Chevella MP Ranjith Reddy criticized Amit Shah’s comments on the BJP’s plans for Telangana. He questioned what the party had done for the state so far and asked if they had introduced any welfare schemes. Other MLAs also criticized Shah’s comments during a recent event in Chevella.
During the same event, MP Ranjit Reddy accused the central government of not caring about Muslim reservations in Telangana and trying to create religious tension. He also questioned why a project was not given national status and why the government was not dissolved despite a paper leak in Gujarat. Despite this, Reddy believes that Telangana is still moving forward under the leadership of CM KCR.
Chevella MLA Kale Yadaya claimed that Telangana is the safest state in the country and that people will not fall for BJP’s attempts to divide religions. The event was attended by many local leaders and activists.