The All-India State Higher Education Councils’ meeting was held in Hyderabad for two days and concluded on Friday. The director of Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education (CPRHE) at National Education Planning and Administration Agency (NIEPA), Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mishra, expressed his desire to strengthen the higher education councils of all States with the same spirit as the Telangana State Council of Higher Education.
During the meeting, TSCHE chairman Prof. R Limbadri presented the progress report of the council. Vice-chairman Prof. Venkataramana and Prof. Limbadri highlighted that the State government’s special initiative has led to a significant increase in girls and women enrolling in higher education institutions across the State.
Prof. Limbadri also pointed out that the lack of faculty in universities is a hindrance to education in universities. The meeting provided a platform for representatives from various States to discuss and exchange ideas on how to improve higher education in their respective regions.