In a special event at the GMC Bala Yogi Stadium in Gachibowli, Shiva Sena Reddy became the Chairman of the Sports Authority of Telangana. The political and sports communities of Telangana gathered to witness this significant moment, showing their support for sports development in the state.
Among the attendees were Dr. SA Sampath Kumar, former AICC Secretary and ex-MLA, and S.A. Deepak Pragya, the President of the Jogulamba Gadwal District Youth Congress. Both leaders congratulated Shiva Sena Reddy on his new role and praised his dedication to youth and sports sectors, emphasizing the potential for positive change in sports in Telangana.
Dr. Sampath Kumar commended Shiva Sena Reddy’s efforts and vision for sports in the state, expressing confidence in his leadership. S.A Deepak Pragya highlighted the importance of youth engagement in sports and how Shiva Sena Reddy’s leadership could inspire the next generation of athletes.
The ceremony at the GMC Bala Yogi Stadium was lively, with attendees celebrating as Shiva Sena Reddy took the oath to work towards advancing sports in Telangana. His acceptance speech focused on gratitude and a call for collaboration to improve sporting standards in the state.
The event ended on a positive note, with leaders like Dr. SA Sampath Kumar and S.A Deepak Pragya showing support for a brighter future in Telangana’s sports sector. With Shiva Sena Reddy leading the Sports Authority of Telangana, there are high hopes for excellence in nurturing talent and creating opportunities for athletes across the state.