As preparations for the Lok Sabha polls continue, AICC president Mallikarjun Kharge will be attending a crucial party meeting. The meeting will be open to all party members, including booth-level incharges, and is tentatively scheduled to take place at L B Stadium on January 25.
In preparation for the event, AICC (TS) incharge Deepa Dasmunshi visited the stadium in the evening to review the arrangements. This meeting will mark the beginning of the party’s campaign in Telangana.
Following the Chief Minister’s swearing-in ceremony in December, this will be a large-scale event with thousands of party members expected to attend. During the Assembly polls, Deepa Dasmunshi played an active role as the party’s observer and supervised arrangements at the stadium when VVIPs, including members of the Gandhi family like Sonia, Rahul, and Priyanka, attended the event.