The Agarwal Samaj will celebrate the 5149th birth anniversary of Agrasen Maharaj at Jagdish Temple on October 15 at 11:00 a.m. The celebration will be organized by Shi Jagdish Mandir, Agarwal Samaj Hyderguda branch, Vaibhavi Nari Shakti, and Yuva Shakti. The event will begin with flag hoisting at 11 am, followed by garlands, musical instruments, and aarti of 101 lamps. The statue of Agrasen Maharaj, made of Panchadhatu, was installed in the temple courtyard in 1982 by Jagdish Prasad Saraiwala, the curator of Jagdish temple. Dandiya and Garba will be taught by the women of Agarwal Samaj Hyderguda branch to girls and women above 6 years of age. The classes will be held at Jagdish temple from October 16 to 19, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Only the first 50 people will be allowed entry.