The Additional Collector of the district, Cheerla Srinivas Sagar, visited special camps in the Gadwal Constituency to inspect the Booth Level Officers (BLOs). During his visit, he emphasized the importance of registering every eligible citizen in the voter list. The BLOs were instructed to go door to door in residential areas and identify individuals whose names are not yet registered. They were also informed that changes and additions to the voter list can be made during the special campaigns.
Additionally, the Additional Collector advised people to register their names in the voter list using Form No. 6 and keep a copy for themselves. He also enquired about the number of Form 6 applications received by the BLOs and how many are still pending.
Furthermore, the Additional Collector urged the BLOs and other staff members to conduct a house-to-house survey to locate individuals in the 18-19 age group who have not yet registered their names in the voter list. He also encouraged them to collect voter IDs from eligible citizens.