Hyderabad: The drug issue is causing disturbance in Tollywood once again. The Telangana High Court has ordered the police not to arrest Navdeep in the Madhapur drug case. Navdeep has been accused of being a drug user by the police, based on a statement given by a person named Ram Chand who was caught in the police raids. Ram Chand claimed that Navdeep had taken drugs with him. As a result, Navdeep has been included as an accused in the case by the TS Narcotics Bureau officials.
On the 16th of this month, the Narcotics Bureau police conducted searches at Navdeep’s house in Hyderabad, but he was not at home at that time. Meanwhile, Navdeep approached the TS High Court to request orders to prevent his arrest. The High Court has responded positively to Navdeep’s plea and ordered that he should not be arrested until Tuesday. In response, the Narcotic Bureau will file a counter in the High Court today regarding Navdeep.
A drugs party took place at Fresh Living Apartments in Madhapur on the 31st of Geetha month. During this party, the Narcotics Bureau arrested 13 people who were involved. Now, the bureau officials are planning to arrest and interrogate Navdeep as well.