Disturbing details have emerged regarding a tragic road accident in Narsingi, a suburb of Hyderabad, which claimed the lives of a mother and daughter. The main suspect, Mohammad Badiuddin Qadri, has confessed during interrogation that he was driving at high speed after being influenced by his friend, Banoth Ganesh. Ganesh had suggested that the roads would be less crowded in the morning, and driving fast would provide excitement. Qadri admitted that he became provoked by his friends’ encouragement and ended up losing control of the car, resulting in the fatal accident. Two other individuals who were seriously injured in the incident are currently fighting for their lives in the hospital.
Qadri further revealed to the police that he sped because his friend told him to do so. The other passengers in the car at the time of the accident, namely Ganesh, Mohammad Fayaz, and Syed Ibrahimuddin, abandoned the vehicle and fled the scene. It has also been discovered through police investigation that Qadri did not possess a valid driving license.