The Telangana AI Mission (T-AIM), an initiative of the Government of Telangana powered by NASSCOM, recently announced the winners of the nationwide Academic Grand Challenge on Climate Change in association with Capgemini. The challenge received over 7,500 team entries comprising over 20,000 students affiliated to over 700 colleges and universities across India. Student teams from VIT Vellore, VIT Bhopal University, and IIIT Naya Raipur won the top three awards for this challenge. Teams from Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University Chennai, BV Raju Institute of Technology, Poornima College, Jaipur; Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and Jadavpur University were among the runners-up.
The challenge required student participants to build predictive solutions for climate change using datasets available on the state’s Open Data Portal and Pollution Control Board. Launched in January 2023 by T-AIM, student teams were asked to build solutions to predict heat wave occurrences and Air Quality Index (AQI) for five cities in Telangana namely Adilabad, Nizamabad, Warangal, Karimnagar, and Khammam.
Capgemini India vice president Anurag Pratap stated that sustainability was a core value at Capgemini, and the company was honored to have supported this challenge that aligns with their mission. Witnessing the next generation of innovators and problem solvers rise to the occasion and actively taking steps towards building a more sustainable future for all is truly inspiring. “Their innovative ideas and solutions offer hope and motivate us to continue our efforts in the fight against climate change. We hope that their actions will serve as an inspiration for others to join us in our commitment for creating a better and more sustainable world for everyone,” he said.
IT Principal Secretary Jayesh Ranjan highlighted that technology had the potential to be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, and this challenge exemplifies the innovative and creative ways in which AI can be leveraged to address this global challenge. “We are inspired by the commitment and dedication shown by these young minds, and I have no doubt that their ideas and solutions will contribute to a more sustainable future for us all,” he said.