Abhishek Banerjee, the national general secretary of the Trinamool Congress party, arrived for questioning in the school recruitment case in West Bengal. To ensure his safety, security around the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) office in Kolkata was tightened. The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) increased its personnel on duty, while the Kolkata police took control of the external circle of the Nizam Palace complex and the road leading to it. Guardrails were put up, and both uniformed and plainclothes officers were present in the surrounding areas.
To prevent any incidents, two deputy commissioners of police, four assistant commissioners, four inspectors, and 16 sub-inspectors were in charge of security arrangements outside Nizam Palace. The police likely remembered the thousands of Trinamool Congress activists who gathered in front of the CBI offices when two West Bengal ministers, one Trinamool Congress legislator, and one former mayor of Kolkata Municipal Corporation were arrested by the CBI in 2021. The activists staged protests and even threw bricks, which is why the police were prepared with a massive security arrangement this time.