Arvind Kejriwal, the Delhi Chief Minister and national convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party, said that even BJP members and supporters attended their rally at Ramlila Maidan on Sunday. They were unhappy with the Centre’s ordinance on service regulation in Delhi. Kejriwal stated that many BJP supporters who attended the rally thought that Modi was wrong in introducing this ordinance.
However, the BJP countered this claim by saying that the chairs were empty, even after paying 500 rupees, renting cars, and providing food. They accused Kejriwal of being cunning, shameless, and hypocritical.
Meanwhile, Manoj Tiwari reminded everyone that Kejriwal used to claim to be anti-corruption while sharing the stage with Anna Hazare at Ramlila Maidan during the ‘India Against Corruption’ movement. But now, he was heard yelling to cover up corruption.
In summary, Kejriwal claimed that even BJP members and supporters attended their rally, while the BJP denied it and accused Kejriwal of being dishonest. Tiwari reminded everyone of Kejriwal’s past claims of anti-corruption while criticizing his current actions.