The ruling AAP MLAs have called for an investigation into BJP MLA Vijender Gupta’s actions in the Delhi Assembly. They claim that Gupta distorted facts from a report and disrupted the proceedings. AAP MLA Sanjeev Jha suggested that Gupta be suspended until the matter is investigated. Another AAP legislator, Madan Lal, agreed and said that Gupta does not deserve to be in the House. Delhi Assembly Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla accused Gupta of disrupting the House throughout the day.
The BJP MLAs engaged in a verbal argument with Birla. Mohan Singh Bisht argued that the AAP MLAs, who have the majority, were suppressing the opposition’s voice. He also protested against the way the report was presented in the Assembly. Birla condemned the opposition members for trying to disrupt the House through Gupta and distorting facts from the report. She called their actions shameful and stated that they did not want to discuss matters related to public welfare.
Birla warned Gupta that his behavior was deliberately disrupting the House and distorting facts from the committee report. She threatened to take action against him if it continued. Birla advised the opposition members to behave appropriately. Sanjeev Jha reiterated his claim that Gupta consistently disrupts the House and requested the Speaker to seek the House’s consent on his proposal. In response, the BJP MLAs laughed, prompting Birla to question their behavior.