The AAP has announced that it will contest the Haryana Assembly polls in 2024 independently. Anurag Dhanda, the vice-president of the party’s state unit, stated that they have a well-organized structure and will soon announce their village-level committees. However, no discussions have taken place regarding seat sharing among the opposition parties for the Lok Sabha election. Dhanda clarified that for the Assembly polls, there will be no compromise or alliance, and the AAP will contest all 90 seats on its own. As for the Lok Sabha, they will follow the orders of the party high-command.
Dhanda was asked about Bhupinder Singh Hooda’s recent remarks claiming that the Congress can win both the Lok Sabha and Assembly polls alone. Hooda also stated that the Congress will contest all 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana next year. He argued that the AAP has no presence in the state. In response, Dhanda questioned Hooda’s basis for making such claims, citing the loss of both Sonipat and Rohtak seats in the 2019 polls by Hooda and his son. Dhanda emphasized that seat sharing decisions are not within Hooda’s authority, as he is not a member of the coordination committee and does not hold any position in the Congress high-command. Dhanda further alleged that Hooda is preparing to leave the Congress and join the BJP.