A female doctor in Delhi was scammed of 4.5 crore in one of the largest cyber frauds ever reported in the city. The fraudsters pretended to be representatives from various organizations and used Skype calls to make the victim believe that she had committed a serious crime, resulting in threats of imprisonment. The Delhi Police’s Intelligence Fusion & Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit is investigating the case based on the victim’s complaint.
The victim was contacted by the con artists who claimed to be representatives from agencies such as the Andheri Police Station in Mumbai, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the customs division, the Narcotics Control Bureau, and even a Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP). They convinced her that her FedEx shipment had been intercepted because it contained illegal substances and that she needed to liquidate her fixed deposits for them to be seized and verified.
The victim’s Know Your Customer (KYC) data was breached, and the cyber gang used the stolen information to create 23 bogus accounts, which were connected to money-laundering schemes. The victim was tricked into transferring the money to the RBI for verification, with the assurance that she would receive it back once the verification was completed.
The scammers even forged a complaint on the official letterhead of the Mumbai Police in a letter they claimed to have written from the RBI to strengthen their scheme. The victim filed a complaint on May 5, and the police have filed a case under several sections of the Indian Penal Code based on her statements.