Telangana BC Welfare and Transport Minister, Ponnam Prabhakar, recently highlighted the government’s commitment to prioritize women’s welfare. He flagged off 80 new RTC buses at the Ambedkar statue on NTR Marg. The government quickly purchased these buses after its formation to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey for women and alleviate traffic congestion with the Mahalakshmi scheme. Minister Ponnam Prabhakar also mentioned that more concessions and benefits will be provided by the RTC in the future. The newly added fleet includes 30 Xpress buses, 30 Rajdhani AC buses, and 20 Lahari sleeper cum seater buses. These buses are now available for service.
In addition, the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has planned to acquire 1,050 new buses at a cost of Rs. 400 crores in the current financial year. These buses are expected to be available by March 2024, based on vacancies and operational requirements.