The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has restarted its weekly ‘Prajavani’ program after three months of election code of conduct. The aim of the program is to address people’s issues at circle and zonal levels. City Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi, Deputy Mayor Srilata Shobhan Reddy, and Commissioner Amrapali Kata were present to receive grievances from citizens. They emphasized the importance of officials prioritizing the Prajavani program and taking proactive steps to solve people’s problems.
During the LS elections, the program had to be temporarily cancelled due to the code of conduct. Now that the elections are over, Prajavani will resume as usual every Monday. On the first day of its restart, 27 grievances were received, including eight requests through a phone-in program. The Mayor stated that all these issues will be resolved within a week, and warned that action will be taken against any officer who does not address the problems on time.
Commissioner Amrapali expressed her commitment to resolving requests related to town planning, engineering, and property tax. She instructed officials to address public issues promptly within the stipulated time frame. Several other officials, including Additional Commissioners and Chief Medical Officers, were also present at the Prajavani program to assist in resolving citizen grievances.