KT Rama Rao, the IT Minister of Hyderabad, recently met with over 30 CEOs of US companies in Washington DC. He encouraged them to set up IT operations in tier-II cities in Telangana and explained the government’s measures to support the growth of the IT industry in these cities. The government has already inaugurated IT Towers in several cities, with more in various stages of construction. The minister also invited NRIs to set up offices in their hometowns and create rural employment.
Many CEOs signed MOUs with the government to set up their offices in cities like Nizamabad, Siddipet, and Nalgonda. This will create more than 2,500 IT jobs and indirect employment for 10,000 people. The minister highlighted that the Covid pandemic has shown that employees can work efficiently from anywhere, and improved connectivity and internet facilities in tier-II cities will create a conducive environment for firms to operate.
The meetings were coordinated by Lax Chepuri and Mahesh Bigala with the help of IT Serve Alliance organization. NRIs Lax Chepuri, Vamsi Reddy, and Karthik Polasani received appreciation from KTR for their continued support and cooperation in Khammam, Warangal, and Karimnagar IT-Hubs. Attendees of the meeting included Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT and Industries, E Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, special secretary, Investment Promotion & NRI Affairs, and Amarnath Reddy Atmakuri, chief relations officer.