In Hyderabad, 29 officials have been fined Rs 3000 for not issuing building permissions within 15 days of receiving applications, which goes against the TSbPASS Act. These officials include Municipal Commissioners, Site and Technical Verification Officers. Arvind Kumar, the Municipal Administration Special Chief Secretary, has instructed District Collectors to impose the penalty and recover it from the officials’ salaries. The government reviewed a report from district level TSbPASS committees chaired by District Collectors and found that building permits were being delayed beyond the specified time. Kumar directed four municipal commissioners, 13 site technical verification officers, and 10 site verification officers to be penalized for this delay. He communicated this decision in a letter to the Collectors of Hanumakonda, Medchal, Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy, Suryapet, Warangal, and Yadadri districts.