The summer camp hosted by Oxford Grammar High School in Himayatnagar ended on May 25, 2024. Students in grades Nursery to 6th took part in a variety of activities such as Arts & Crafts, Yoga, Gymnastics, Dance, Music, Zumba Fitness, and Outdoor & Indoor Games. The kids were very enthusiastic about participating in all the activities.
The camp was attended by Mrs. Prarthana Manikonda, Vice Chairperson & Director, Mr. Katta Prabhakar, Correspondent, Mrs. Ramanjula, Dean, Mrs. Fahmida, Principal (SSC), Mrs. Rekha Rao, Principal (CBSE), Mrs. Fatima Kazim, Principal (EYP), and Mr. Balraj, Accounts Manager. The Vice Chairperson emphasized the importance of identifying children’s interests and skills to help them achieve their goals.
She expressed excitement about upcoming sporting events and awarded mementoes to students who showed dedication and improvement in their performance. Parents praised the school’s efforts to keep children engaged in constructive activities during summer break.
The parents also enjoyed the exhibition of art, crafts, pottery, yoga, gymnastics, dance, and music performances by the students. The camp was a success with all students participating enthusiastically and enjoying their time with friends while engaging in various activities.