The 18th Mahapadi Puja of Sri Madhu Sudan Guru Swamy was celebrated with grandeur at the Ayyappa Temple in Shamshabad. The event drew a large number of devotees and local dignitaries, creating a deeply spiritual and festive atmosphere. The ceremony was conducted under the guidance of Sri Mahesh Guru Swamy and Sannidhanam Swamy.
Several local leaders attended the event, including Ayyappa Seva Samiti President R. Ganesh Gupta, Shamshabad Municipal Chairperson Sushma Mahender Reddy, Vice Chairperson B. Gopal Yadav, and other councilors. The puja was performed amidst the chanting of Vedic mantras, which enhanced the sacredness of the occasion.
Chairperson Sushma Mahender Reddy and other officials praised the community for their active participation. They highlighted the importance of such spiritual gatherings in fostering unity and strengthening faith among devotees. The celebration was seen as a way to honor the rich traditions of the Ayyappa community while also showcasing the support of local leadership for cultural and religious practices.
As devotees filled the temple, the 18th Mahapadi Puja stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of devotion. Events like these continue to inspire a sense of communal harmony and togetherness within the community.