MLA Begala Ganesha Gupta distributed cheques from the CMRF to 17 beneficiaries in Nizamabad on Friday. The Chief Minister, Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao, has been reimbursing expenses of corporate hospitals for the poor through the CMRF, believing that public health protection is important regardless of financial difficulty. Ganesha praised the Chief Minister as a great person who prioritizes public welfare. He explained that the CMRF makes it easier for poor people to receive quality medical care and that the government has improved medical facilities in government hospitals as well.
Ganesha also praised government hospitals for providing normal births to pregnant women and setting an example. The CMRF provides financial assistance during emergencies to those treated in private hospitals. The program was attended by NUDA Chairman Prabhakar Reddy, Sujith Singh Thakur, Sudham Ravi Chander, Sirparaju, Shiva Charan, Tadkal Srinivas BRS leaders.