On June 18, 2021, the Hyderabad police arrested 13 individuals who were operating a scam Amazon Prime call center in the city. The group had been deceiving people in Australia and Canada by pretending to be Amazon customer service representatives and offering fake refunds and discounts.
According to the police, the group had been running the scam for several months and had made over Rs 1 crore ($135,000) from their victims. They would call people and tell them that their Amazon Prime subscription was expiring soon and that they needed to renew it immediately. They would then ask for the victim’s credit card details and use that information to make fraudulent purchases.
The police were alerted to the scam after receiving several complaints from people in Australia and Canada. They launched an investigation and were able to track down the call center in Hyderabad. The police raided the call center and arrested the 13 individuals who were working there.
The individuals arrested were all in their twenties and thirties and had been recruited through social media. They had been trained to speak in English with a foreign accent and had been provided with scripts to use when speaking with victims. The group had also set up fake websites and email addresses to make their scam appear more legitimate.
This is not the first time that a call center scam has been uncovered in India. In recent years, there have been several cases of call centers operating scams targeting people in other countries. These scams often involve pretending to be representatives of well-known companies like Amazon, Microsoft, or Apple.
These scams can be very lucrative for the scammers, but they can also cause a lot of harm to their victims. People who fall for these scams can lose a lot of money and may also have their personal information stolen. It’s important for people to be aware of these scams and to be cautious when receiving unsolicited calls or emails from companies.
In conclusion, the arrest of the 13 individuals in Hyderabad is a reminder of the dangers of call center scams. While it’s good to see the police taking action against these scammers, it’s important for people to be vigilant and to protect themselves from these types of scams. If you receive a suspicious call or email from a company, it’s always best to verify the information before providing any personal or financial information.