In a comedic turn of events, the Congress party in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh has been creating confusion for the people. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy criticized former Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for allowing YS Rajasekhara Reddy to take away a large amount of Krishna water. He also accused KCR of colluding with Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy to divert Krishna water to Andhra Pradesh.
Revanth Reddy’s remarks about YSR’s death are still fresh in people’s minds. However, now as the TPCC chief, he has had to praise the late leader and work with his daughter, YS Sharmila, who is the PCC president in Andhra Pradesh.
Sharmila had previously called Revanth Reddy a “thief” before the Telangana elections. But when the idea of merging her party with the Congress came up, their relationship changed.
Revanth Reddy warned Sharmila to stay away from the Telangana unit of the Congress, and she became the APCC president instead. Now she is trying to revive the party in Andhra Pradesh.
Despite her emotional connection with her brother Jagan, Sharmila is launching personal attacks against him in her campaign. It is interesting to note that she is unintentionally supporting the goals of N Chandrababu Naidu, who was a rival of her father and brother.
Sharmila and Revanth Reddy have been meeting frequently, even if it’s just for family events. Revanth Reddy has to show respect to her late father while criticizing her brother.
The Congress party fully supports this confusing situation, as Sharmila is encouraged by her brother’s opposition to him. The Congress and two other individuals are orchestrating this dichotomy, with Revanth and Sharmila as the main actors in the political theater of the Telugu States.