YS Sharmila, the daughter of former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy, has demanded the fulfilment of bifurcation promises during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Hyderabad. She has been leading a campaign for the creation of a separate state of Telangana, which was finally achieved in 2014. However, she alleges that many promises made during the bifurcation process have not been fulfilled, and the state is still suffering as a result.
One of the main promises made during the bifurcation process was the establishment of a steel plant in Kadapa district, which has not yet materialized. Sharmila has urged the Prime Minister to take action on this issue and ensure that the steel plant is set up as soon as possible. She also highlighted the need for the development of infrastructure in Telangana, including the construction of new highways and the expansion of existing ones.
Sharmila’s demands come at a time when there is growing discontent among the people of Telangana over the slow pace of development in the state. The government has been accused of neglecting the region and failing to deliver on its promises. The Prime Minister’s visit to Hyderabad provides an opportunity to address these issues and show that the government is committed to the development of Telangana. It remains to be seen whether Sharmila’s demands will be met, but her campaign has certainly brought attention to the issues facing the state and put pressure on the government to act.