In Eluru, YSRCP chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has started using ramps instead of mega stages to address large gatherings in election campaigns. The ramp in Denduluru is structured like the YSRCP symbol with three wings and the fourth one linking to the crowd. During his speech, YS Jagan personally greeted everyone by walking on the ramp and also greeted the crowd again after his speech. He walked backward on the ramp with folded hands to show respect to his party workers and people in general.
YS Jagan criticized former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu, asking if he had done anything for the people during his 14-year tenure. He highlighted the achievements of the YSRCP, including village and ward secretariats, a corruption-less system, bilingual textbooks, digital boards, government jobs, house sites, seaports, and fishing harbors.
YS Jagan emphasized the importance of electing the YSRCP for the second time, stating that choosing the TDP-JSP alliance would mean an end to welfare. He urged the cadre to think about why the TDP-JSP alliance was against him and explained that they have a feudal mindset and do not want the poor to prosper. YS Jagan assured the cadre that he would always support their progress.