Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy visited the Government General Hospital (GGH) in Vizianagaram to meet the injured passengers from the Visakhapatnam-Rayagada and Visakhapatnam-Palasa trains. There were 28 injured passengers being treated at the hospital. YS Jagan spoke with the patients and assured them of help. He also discussed their treatment with the doctors and officials present at the hospital.
Originally, the Chief Minister was planning to visit the accident spot near Kantakapalli in Vizianagaram district. However, railway officials asked him to cancel his visit due to ongoing track restoration work. Instead, he went directly to the GGH in Vizianagaram after arriving in Visakhapatnam.
Before visiting the hospital, YS Jagan viewed a photo exhibition on train accidents and asked officials about the incident. He was accompanied by Education Minister Botcha Satyanarayana during his visit.