In Nandyala, Andhra Pradesh, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy met with people from different communities during the ‘Memantha Siddham’ yatra in Yerraguntla village. He mentioned that over 93% of the village residents have benefited from government welfare schemes. Two village secretariats cover Yerraguntla, with high percentages of households benefiting from various schemes.
YS Jagan highlighted the success of welfare programs like Amma Vodi and Cheyutha, emphasizing that benefits are deposited directly into bank accounts without discrimination based on caste or religion. He compared the achievements of his government to the previous TDP administration, showcasing significant financial assistance provided to households.
The Chief Minister also discussed improvements in village clinics and education, including digital classrooms and bilingual textbooks. He encouraged people to vote for a better future, regardless of their past voting choices. YS Jagan emphasized the transformative impact of ongoing reforms in healthcare and agriculture.
A differently-abled couple from Metapalli village expressed gratitude to YS Jagan for changing their lives. Prasad and Aparna, both with disabilities, received increased pension assistance from the YSRCP government, enabling them to pursue further education and prepare for government jobs. The couple met the Chief Minister during a Gram Sabha in Yerraguntla, presenting him with a token of appreciation for the support they received.