Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy launched 12 new APTRANSCO substations and laid the foundation stone for 16 new substations in the state. He also laid the foundation stone for a 750 MW solar power project in Kadapa and a 100 MW solar power project in Anantapur, with a total cost of Rs 6,600 crore.
The State Government signed an MoU with HPCL for setting up solar and wind energy plants and a PSP plant, with an investment of Rs 10,000 crore and employment potential for 1,500 persons.
The Chief Minister emphasized the government’s commitment to supplying quality power to all regions of the state. He inaugurated 12 sub-stations built at a cost of Rs 620 crore in various districts and laid the foundation stone for 16 sub-stations in other districts, built at a cost of Rs 2,479 crore.
The solar power projects in Kadapa and Anantapur, with an investment of Rs 3,400 crore, will provide employment opportunities for over 1,700 persons. The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone for enhancing the production capacity of Avera AI Mobility Pvt Ltd’s plant in Vijayawada.
With the new sub-stations, the supply and transmission capacity will be upgraded, solving most power problems. The government has also signed an agreement with SECI for producing solar power and supplying it to the agricultural sector at a reduced rate.
Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, Chief Secretary Dr KS Jawahar Reddy, and other officials were present at the event.