Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy started his third day of ‘Memantha Siddham’ yatra from the Penchikalapadu campsite after staying there overnight. Jagan visited Ramachandrapuram, Kodumuru, Handri Kairavadi, and Gonegandla during his campaign.
After beginning his yatra from Penchikalapadu, Jagan was warmly welcomed by the people of Kodumuru, where party cadres greeted him with a huge garland using a crane. Thousands of people came out to see Jagan, and he greeted them at the bus stop. Members of BC communities showed their support by presenting handloom sarees and dhotis.
During his campaign in villages like Varukuru, Vemugodu, and Gonegandla in Kodumuru and Yemmiganur constituencies, Jagan was supported by large crowds lining the streets. He also received handloom replicas from members of the BC communities as a sign of their backing.
At a gathering in Kurnool, Jagan criticized the opposition and urged people to vote against the ‘selfish alliance’ in the upcoming elections. He responded strongly to TDP president Chandrababu Naidu’s disrespectful comments about YSRCP Singanamala candidate Veeranjaneyulu, emphasizing that YSRCP supports putting poor individuals in positions of power for their upliftment.
Jagan also highlighted the YSRCP government’s achievements, such as providing government jobs and support to marginalized communities. He cautioned people against falling for deceptive promises made by opposition parties like TDP, JSP, and BJP. Jagan urged women supporters to tie a Rakhi to the YSRCP government and encouraged star campaigners to spread awareness about the government’s welfare initiatives.