Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s ‘Memantha Siddham’ yatra is attracting large crowds in Kurnool. On the fourth day of the yatra, Chief Minister YS Jagan met with the people of Tuggali and Ratana villages. He talked about the government’s schemes and listened to suggestions from the beneficiaries.
YS Jagan highlighted the positive changes brought by the government in Tuggali and Ratana villages. He mentioned that 95% of houses in both villages have benefited from various welfare schemes. The Chief Minister also discussed the funds allocated for different schemes like Ammavodi, Vidya Deevena, Asara, YSR Kalyanamastu, pensions, YSR Rythu Bharosa, YSR Arogya Sri, and Arogya Asara.
In addition, YS Jagan explained the secretariat system with volunteers and mentioned the free crop insurance provided to farmers. He also talked about the improvements in government schools, including the introduction of English medium education and digital teaching methods.
The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of voting for the continuation of these positive changes. He compared the pension system under the current government to the previous administration, highlighting the increase in pension amount and the number of beneficiaries.
Overall, YS Jagan encouraged people to ask questions and be aware of the progress made by the government in improving the lives of the people.