Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy addressed a large crowd in Madanapalli during his Memantha Siddham Yatra. He expressed happiness at the massive support he received there, calling the crowd an ocean of supporters. Jagan expressed confidence in winning the upcoming elections and highlighted the achievements of his government.
He criticized the opposition alliance of TDP-JSP-BJP, calling them a pack of wolves who lie to the people. Jagan urged voters not to be swayed by false promises and emphasized the importance of continuing welfare schemes for the poor. He accused Chandrababu Naidu of being a habitual liar who failed to fulfill his promises during his tenure as Chief Minister.
Jagan assured the crowd that his government was committed to the welfare and development of the people without corruption or discrimination. He warned against giving Chandrababu Naidu another chance to govern Andhra Pradesh, claiming that he plans to destroy the state. Jagan also highlighted the differences between his government’s actions and the empty promises made by the opposition alliance.
The Chief Minister urged the people to support him in the upcoming elections to ensure a better future for Andhra Pradesh. He emphasized that his government had delivered on its promises and would continue to work for the welfare of the people. Jagan’s speech focused on drawing a clear distinction between his administration’s achievements and the failures of the previous government.