Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy spoke at a public meeting in Bhimavaram during his Memantha Siddham Yatra. He asked the people if they were ready to receive welfare schemes for the next five years and prevent the opposition from coming into power.
YS Jagan criticized former Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, accusing him of dishonesty and deception. He also criticized Jana Sena Party president Pawan Kalyan for his actions, questioning his commitment and integrity.
The Chief Minister highlighted the welfare measures implemented by the YSRCP government, such as RBKs, village clinics, school education revolution, and pensions for the elderly. He also mentioned the direct deposits made into the accounts of women beneficiaries.
YS Jagan urged the people to support the YSRCP government in the upcoming battle against the opposition. He criticized Chandrababu Naidu’s unfulfilled promises and questioned his track record in improving government schools and hospitals.