Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy criticized TDP chief Chandrababu for obstructing the distribution of pensions by volunteers. He accused Chandrababu of deliberately conspiring against the volunteers, who help distribute pensions to the needy on the first of every month. Jagan questioned Chandrababu’s motives, asking why he would want to see elderly, vulnerable people suffering in the sun.
Speaking at a public meeting in Putalapattu, YS Jagan urged the people to support him in protecting the future of the poor. He warned against Chandrababu’s tactics, saying that if Jagananna wins, the volunteer system will be reinstated. Jagan asked the people to spread the message and ensure that those who have benefited from the system support him in the upcoming elections.
YS Jagan called Chandrababu a sadist for causing unnecessary suffering to the poor and elderly. He encouraged the people to be vigilant and not fall for Chandrababu’s lies, which he claimed would ultimately harm them. Jagan emphasized the importance of standing together to safeguard the interests of the less fortunate in society.