YSRCP MP YS Avinash Reddy was arrested by the CBI on June 3 in relation to the murder of his uncle, former minister Y S Vivekananda Reddy. However, he was released the same day as he had already been granted anticipatory bail by the Telangana High Court on May 31. Avinash Reddy has been directed to cooperate with the investigation and appear before the CBI every Saturday until the end of June 2023. He fulfilled certain formalities and was released on bail after execution of a personal bond of Rs 5 lakh, with two sureties for a like sum each, to the satisfaction of the CBI.
Bhaskar Reddy had also filed a bail application on health grounds, and a CBI special court is expected to pronounce its orders on June 9. The CBI reportedly named Avinash Reddy as one of the accused in the case while opposing Bhaskar Reddy’s bail plea.