Congress Palakurthi candidate Yashaswini Reddy and her in-laws Jhansi and Rajender Reddy greeted people during an election rally in Palakurthi on Tuesday. Yashaswini responded to criticism from her opponent Errabelli Dayakar Rao about her domicile by questioning the credentials of KCR’s son KTR and daughter Kavitha, who also lived in the US before entering politics.
During the rally, Yashaswini claimed that Errabelli did nothing for the constituency despite being elected three times. She criticized the BRS government for corruption and encroachments, as well as for failing to deliver on promises such as double bedroom houses, Dalit Bandhu, BC Bandhu, and crop loan waivers.
Yashaswini promised that if given a chance, Congress would bring real development to the constituency. She mentioned plans to establish a skill development center in Gurthur on 70 acres of land, along with continuing other charitable activities.
Yashaswini’s mother-in-law, Hanumandla Jhansi, who is also the Congress Palakurthi constituency in-charge, accused the BRS and BJP of trying to obstruct Yashaswini’s candidature based on her citizenship. She also claimed that the ruling party spread false information to discourage them from participating in the election. Jhansi Rajender Reddy urged the people to vote for Yashaswini.