The Yadadri Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swami shrine has achieved a new record by collecting Rs 3,93,88,092-00 (Rupees Three Crore Ninety-Three Lakh Eighty Eight Thousand Ninety Two) in hundi income over 35 days. This amount includes 174gm of mixed gold, 7kg of mixed silver, and donations in various foreign currencies such as 1359$ from USA, 25 Australian dollars, 55 pounds from England, 65 dirhams from UAE, and 20 euros from Europe. There were also contributions of Rs 10 from Nepal, 30 Canadian dollars, and more.
This new record surpasses the previous hundi income record for the temple, which was Rs 2.82 crore over 35 days. The increase in donations shows the growing support and generosity of devotees towards the Yadadri Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swami shrine.