Importance of Hearing Checks for Children
An ENT specialist from the state, Dr. Satheesh Sakinala, has emphasized the need for hearing check-ups in children. He suggests that, along with routine vaccinations, hearing tests should also be conducted within the first year of a child’s life.
World Hearing Day is observed on March 3 every year. Dr. Satheesh explained that just as vaccinations are essential for a child’s health, hearing evaluations are equally important. In today’s noisy world, regular hearing tests can help detect any issues early. He highlighted that even though a child’s ears are small, they play a crucial role in their overall development.
According to a 2024 study, five out of every thousand children are born with hearing defects. While many countries have hearing screening programs for newborns, only a few states in India follow such procedures. The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) has recommended screening within the first month, followed by audiological diagnosis and early intervention by the third month.
Dr. Satheesh stressed that raising awareness and increasing early detection can ensure that children with hearing issues receive timely treatment. This would help them lead a normal and fulfilling life.