The Civil Aviation Minister, Jyotiraditya Scindia, announced at the Wings India 2024 event that there has been a significant increase in the number of commercial pilot licences (CPLs) issued in the country over the past two years. In 2023 alone, over 1,622 CPLs were granted, with 18% of them going to women. However, there is still a need for more women pilots in the aviation industry, which is currently dominated by men.
During a session on ‘Women in Aviation’ at Wings India 2024, Philip Cummings from the US Embassy stated that India has a higher percentage of women commercial pilots compared to the US. However, women within the sector argue that these numbers are not enough, especially considering the growing demand for pilots in India. The representation of women in helicopter piloting is particularly low, accounting for only 2-3%.
Panelists at the session, including Kiran Jain from Noida International Airport and Ashima Mendiratta from Pawan Hans Ltd, expressed their disappointment with the current numbers and highlighted the dominance of ex-defence pilots in the helicopter industry.
Anju Madeka, CEO of Durgapur airport, emphasized that the aviation sector involves more than just pilots, and managing an airport comes with its own unique challenges. All present at the session agreed that women’s strengths should be harnessed in the aviation sector, and mentorship and sponsorship programs should be implemented to support and nurture women’s growth and success.
In another discussion on drone technology, industry experts highlighted how drones are transforming various sectors worldwide. In India, drones are being used for delivering medicines in remote areas and supporting farmers in innovative cultivation approaches. The NAMO Drone Didi scheme is empowering women and integrating them into local farming supply chains. Drones are also making a significant impact in areas such as policing, medicine delivery, and urban transport.