In Hyderabad, a man who was drunk stripped a woman on the road in Balaji Nagar. This happened on Sunday evening and was reported to the police on Monday. The man’s name is Peddamaraiah and he was with his mother at the time. Shockingly, his mother did nothing to stop him. Instead of helping the woman, some people who saw what was happening filmed it on their phones.
Peddamaraiah first started bothering the woman by touching her inappropriately. When she tried to get away, he became even more angry and started tearing off her clothes. When another woman on a bike stopped to question him, he also tried to attack her. The victim was left undressed on the road for about 15 minutes until some people came to cover her and called the police. The victim, who is 28 years old, filed a complaint and the police arrested Peddamaraiah.