A young man in Kothagudem allegedly killed his sister because she was making and sharing videos on social media. The incident took place in Rajiv Nagar Tanda of CSP Grampanchyat in Yellandhu mandal on Wednesday. The victim, Ajmeera Sanghavi, was 21 years old and worked as an apprentice ANM at Mahabubabad government hospital. She was active on platforms like YouTube and Instagram, where she shared videos. Her brother, Ajmeera Hari Lal, did not approve of her online activities and warned her to stop. However, when she continued, they got into a heated argument. In a fit of anger, Hari Lal hit Sanghavi on the head with a pestle. Sanghavi was rushed to the hospital but her condition worsened, and she was later transferred to Warangal MGM hospital, where she passed away on Thursday.
Woman in Kothagudem dies after being fatally hit due to social media use
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